Week 3
Corinna (Fetter) Patterson (on the left)
Profession/Where I Am Now: I am now a teacher in Calgary, AB.
Camp Experience: I was a camper at the Ranch from 8 – 14 years of age, and also worked at the Ranch from 14 to 18 years old. I found out about the Ranch from a friend in grade 3 and we went together, and when she stopped going, I continued. There were always so many campers to meet that even going alone was not a problem.
Fondest Memories:
- Playing “Capture the Flag” or “DC”. I loved dressing in camo from head to toe and trying to infiltrate the other side and find their flags or pegs was something I always looked forward to.
- I liked hanging out beside the pool. It was refreshing on a hot day.
- I usually went to the Ranch on the week that my birthday fell in. As a summer birthday, many of my friends at home were away so celebrating at the Ranch was always fun and special.
- The large water fights were always fun too.
- As a staff member, I felt like part of the Ranch family. I went up on weekends to help with groups, and also other holidays. I worked out or swam at 6 am with Karen, Kirsten taught me how to knit and make my first sweater, and Bill made me feel comfortable in the barn. Everyone was so caring.
- Meeting good friends, many of whom are now Facebook friends as we keep in touch, as well as one very close friend who I see when I come home to ON, and who flies out to visit me. Camp friendships are special.
Lessons Learned:
- Camp was my first time away from home overnight for a week and it helped show me that I could do this.
- I learned more about my faith and many individual lessons of how to live my life as a Christian.
- I learned not to be afraid of horses, and to love them by the time I stopped working at the Ranch. I went from riding a pony bareback to teaching others how to groom, saddle, and ride horses. I will never forget “head, tail, sky, ground” when it comes to tying a knot to hold the cinch.
- I learned that having the Ranch kids on your team for Capture the Flag usually resulted in winning, they knew all the good paths through the playing area.
Impact of Camp: I am very grateful for the years that I attended camp at RRR. I have happy memories that involve horse back riding, swimming, walks in the woods, yummy meals, and just an over riding feeling of being welcome and safe. Camp helped deepen my faith. When my daughter is old enough, she will definitely attend camp. I think it is an essential life experience for children/teens.