You might think we really want to draw attention to the Rocky Ridge Ranch/Canada 150 Logo Design Contest . Well, you’d be absolutely right!! We are really looking forward to all of the wonderful submissions we know we will receive. Please make sure you follow all the rules/guidelines. See the link at the top of the page on the right?!!
Today, it almost feels like Summer! The sun is shining, the horses are excited and kicking their heels up and Chloe and Diesel do NOT want to be indoors. There is that feel of wanting to get out and do something productive, go for a walk, take a drive in the country and enjoy God’s beautiful creation! Oh wait! We live at the Ranch and can do all of that right here! Well, maybe not the drive – it’s still a little muddy along the trails! The grass is really greening and I can’t find even the tiniest little patch of snow. I almost feel like planting my garden but I think it’s just a wee bit early … even for snow peas. But soon!!
Easter is also just around the corner. A time to remember the sacrifice that the Lord Jesus Christ made for each and everyone of us. It’s so wonderful to realize that He died for us, taking our sins to the grave with Him, was buried and then rose again, bringing new life to all those who believe on Him and turn their lives over to Him. More on this later because it deserves its own post!!
Get working on those RRR/Canada 150 logo designs!!!