Hi, my name is Winnie and I am a Standardbred. I am 16 years old. I used to be a racehorse but had to retire because of an ankle injury. I used to be just a staff horse but I got a promotion to being a guest horse. Wait, if I am retired, how did I get a promotion? Ha...
Hi my name is Tipper and I am a Standardbred. I am 21 years old. I used to be a racing horse and retired here to the ranch to be a riding horse. I love it here. Sometimes I have to keep the newer horses in line and let them know how to behave but we all get along...
Sponsor Teddy! Hi, my name is Teddy and I am a Shetland Pony. I am 15 years old. I have lots of personality. I’m friendly but aloof and sometimes I am unpredictable, but I have fun being that! I am the security for the herd and love doing it. I’ve been told that I am...