It is with sad reluctance that we at Rocky Ridge Ranch say goodbye to our Becomers Hockey Program. Unfortunately we had to cancel the program during the two summers of Covid-19 and there has just not been enough interest this summer to validate hosting a wonderful week of Horses and Hockey. We have had a great run – 20 years – but the time has come to shut it down. We know past campers who participated will remember those summer days at the rink and at RRR with very fond memories. Who can forget Jesse trying to outsmart Cindy Bower-Sudeyko during power skating! Not happening!! Or all the orange smiles during a flood break! Three on threes! Little ones (aka grandchildren) on skates for the very first time! Skills learned and friendships made! Dave’s drills! Chalk talks! Treasured memories. May God continue to bless all of our Becomers participants who learned “life skills through hockey”!