Day Camps
The Ranch provides a unique camp experience. The option of multi-age weeks provides shared opportunities together for family members of different ages.
Our counsellors are highly motivated, child/youth oriented, creative and enthusiastic.
Are you looking for something to safely invigorate your at-home schooling days? How about one of the programs offered at Rocky Ridge Ranch?
For each program please remember to dress appropriately for the weather. Bring a water bottle and for the full day program a bagged lunch with your child’s name on it. You might wish to include extra clothing in a backpack with your child’s name on it.
Contact Us to Register
Please call 905-854-2584 or 905-854-0964
or email
Program 1
Half day morning OR afternoon
9:00 – 12:00 OR 1:00 – 4:00 program for 4 – 8 year olds running every Tuesday for 4 weeks
Beginning October 13th. Cohort of 10 – 14 children.
Activities (age appropriate) include: pony ride, nature scavenger hunt, picture treasure hunt, nature hike, crafts, gym activities.
Cost: $180.00
Program 2
Full Day
9:00 – 4:00 program for 9 -12 year olds running every Wednesday for 4 weeks
Beginning October 14th. Cohort of 10 – 14 children.
Activities (age appropriate) include: trail ride, nature scavenger hunt, picture treasure hunt, nature hike, age-appropriate crafts, gym (basketball, ball hockey, beach volleyball, archery etc.)
Cost: $360.00
** In order for the programs to operate we require a minimum of 4 participants.
Remember we are still open for family outings including pony rides for younger children and trail rides. Phone and book your outing at 905-854-2584 or 905-854-0964.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call.
Contact Us to Register
Please call 905-854-2584 or 905-854-0964
or email
ipods/ipads, cell or smart phones, laptops, computer games, etc.
NO tobacco/cannabis, intoxicating beverages, illegal drugs
No skateboards, knives, gum, matches
Please label your personal property with your name. A reminder that Rocky Ridge Ranch is NOT responsible for lost, damaged or stolen belongings. Do not bring expensive items to camp.
- Staff will have their temperatures taken each day using a non-contact thermometer.
- Upon arrival all children will be screened and non-contact thermometers will be used to take their temperature. Hand sanitizer will be placed at the screening area.
- If your child is not feeling well please do not bring them to the Ranch.
- No unexpected visitors will be allowed on RRR premises during camp.
- All frequently touched surfaces will be cleaned and sanitized throughout the day. This includes the reins, horn, pommel of the saddle and riding helmets.
- Frequent handwashing will be encouraged and hand sanitizer will be available throughout the Ranch buildings.
- Children will be in groups/cohorts with the same staff. These groups will be consistent throughout the week and will maintain proper distancing both within their own group and the larger Ranch populace.
- At lunch for the full day program staff will retrieve the bin assigned to their group and deliver it to the area where they have been assigned. They will be the only ones touching the items and giving it to the proper owner. Please make sure your camper’s lunch is in a proper lunch bag/box with their name on it.
- Groups will have their own activity equipment. The equipment will have been cleaned and sanitized before the next time they use it.
- While close contact might be unavoidable among members of the group, physical distancing, and safety etiquette will be encouraged where possible.
- Face masks (provide your own) should be worn when physical distancing of at least 2 metres cannot be maintained.
- Washrooms/changerooms will be frequently cleaned and disinfected.
- Each child must have their own drink bottle that is labelled with their name and kept with them while at the Ranch.